Tuesday 25 February 2014

Rescued By Priscilla West

Lorrie’s semester started off hopeful but ended in disaster. Now, she’s even more lost and confused than she was at the beginning of the year. As Lorrie flees to the only family she has left, she has to come to terms with how things ended with Hunter.

Hunter has fought for so long to keep the truth from Lorrie in an effort to protect her, but that has only caused more heartache and pain.

Realizing his mistake, Hunter has made a vow to get Lorrie back, but is it too late?

Will Hunter be able to overcome his own demons and help Lorrie through her pain, or are they destined to keep hurting each other?
Read on for my review ....

So glad i got to read a ARC of Rescued. I loved Wrecked and was shocked at the ending. 
I have to admit this wasn't what i thought it was going to be. I really wanted Lorrie to get her answers. 

The books focus on Hunters MS and Marco. So we don't really get to read much about them as a couple. 

 I will warn you to get the tissues ready because there are a few scenes in the novel that will have you pouring your heart out. 

I rated the book 3.5* As i felt like it missed something. Though the hard work and research that has gone into this novel is incredible and Priscilla has done an amazing job with her writing. 

The ending was quick but brilliant and was happy with it. 

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