Saturday 10 January 2015

Until you (Fall away series #1.5) By Penelope Douglas

Have you ever been so angry that hitting things felt good? Ever felt numb to all emotions?

The past few years have been like that for me. Traveling between fury and indifference with no stops in between. Some people hate me for it, while others are scared of me. But none of them can hurt me, because I don't care about anything or anyone.

Except Tatum.

I love her so much that I hate her. I hate that I can't let her go. We used to be friends, but I found out that I couldn't trust her or anyone else. So I hurt her. I pushed her away. But I still need her. She centers me. Engaging, challenging, bullying her - it's the last part of me that feels anything human.

But then she left for a year and came back a different girl. Now, when I push, she pushes back.

For everyone who loved Bully . . . This is Jared's story.

After reading the newest in the series Falling away I just had to read this one. I honestly hate reading the same book but in another POV. I feel like it's boring. This one though is the second book ever to make me feel like I was reading a completely new book. 
Seeing Bully written in Jared's POV had opened my eyes a little to things that confused me. I can remember reading Bully and wishing Penelope had written it in Jared's POV as well. 

It starts off from when Jared is just a boy and Tate moves in next to door, to move on to his dads, which also made us see his side of what happened. 
I actually kind of liked this version better, but I know for a fact I would have preferred the two POV'S in one book instead of two separate one's. Still, I'm glad I got to read both. They are brilliant. 

If you've read bully and think this one will just be the same it's not. You see things differently. It really did feel like a whole new book to me. I'm obsessed with this series now and can't wait for Tate and Jared's story to continue. For those who've read Falling away will know what I'm talking about. 

5* for Penelope 

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  1. Fab review! I really enjoyed these books aswell

    1. Have you read Falling away? Was you shocked by the sneak peak of the next one? I wanted to cry for her :(
