Mike Ripton "Ripp" is a fighter who is witty, muscular, tattooed, and has 4 piercings 'down stairs'. He is a man of principal, great moral value, and has family ties. He has never, however, been in love; nor been in an actual relationship. He does relationships, 'just not for that long'.
He boxes professionally, and fights bare knuckles matches in the 'hood' for cash. Ripp is a take me or leave me type of alpha male that won't change for anyone.
When he meets the 'most beautiful woman in the world' one day in the bar, a local prominent attorney, he decides she'll be his next 'victim'. Little does he realize that he just might end up being hers.
She eagerly admits she's attracted to one type of male, and one type only. Bad Boy. Alpha. Tattooed, and.....
She prefers at the end of her day of court battles that she be able to throw her respective hands in the air and have a man take charge. She will settle for nothing less. She wants a dominant man.
As long as she's in a relationship with him.
What happens when life offers 'the man who will not change' events and opportunities that cause change in his life that he either wasn't or isn't prepared for?
And how deep does the blood of a died in the wool fighter run?
To what degree will he fight for what he believes in and/or what he wants in life?
What if his desires change?