Being part of the MC that was Angel’s Halo was exactly like being part of a family. A scary, powerful, crazy family. It was also like its own society. There are rules, just as there are in every family, every society. But only breaking one of their rules will leave you in a broken, blood pile on the floor…
No one touches Raven Hannigan.
I was the MC’s only weakness. Or so my father use to tell me as I was growing up. Mad Max Hannigan was once Angel’s Halos’ president. He made the rules and everyone was expected to follow them or come face to fist with the enforcer…
I have spent my life in the middle of the MC. I knew the rules—the penalties for breaking those rules. So I knew what would happen to him if I let him break the golden rule… But I loved him, like I have never loved anyone or anything before. I thought my love would protect him.
Of course it hadn’t. When our secret was discovered he was beaten.
So I shouldn’t blame him for leaving me…
As the enforcer I knew the consequences. Knew exactly what was in store for me when Raven’s family found out that I had dared to break my MC’s unforgivable rule. I loved her, so it didn’t matter to me. When her oldest brother delivered my punishment I didn’t scream. Didn’t groan. I took it like the man my MC had made me, and would have done it over and over again if that was what it took to be able to call Raven Hannigan mine.
But then my past reared its ugly head and I had a choice to make. One that I have only lived to regret.
Taking on the job as Angel’s Halos’ new president was my second chance. But… would my secrets destroy everything Raven and I once had?
I don't even know where to begin on this novel. Whether to point out the bad points or the good points or blend them together. It's so hard to rate this novel.
I read it in one sitting, so the book isn't all that long, but it's very detailed and so much going on all at once.
When I first started reading the novel I presumed it was going to be about Bash and Raven. I was half right. The book doesn't really concentrate on them, but on everyone around them too. It doesn't make me feel like the two should belong together.
Bash walked away from Raven after he suffered the consequences of touching Raven. He was then given permission to date Raven, but instead walked away without telling anyone why. This left Raven hurt thinking he left her. Only, Bash is harboring secrets.
I don't know if these secrets are supposed to be the big story plot, so I'm not going to say what they are. What I will say is I agreed on everything Raven said or felt. If I was in her position I would have felt unworthy, rejected. He trusted someone else, another woman, to know his secret, but not Raven, the woman he claimed to love and got beat up for. He decided to let a woman who was not Raven into his secret for over 12 months. To me, that's a portrayal all by it self. I wouldn't have been easily as forgiven as she was. I couldn't even understand why he kept what he did a secret. I really don't. If he knew Raven the way the book makes him come across he would have known what her reaction would be. He would also know her reaction from not being told. So I don't know why he acted the way he did. Been all surprised.
Like I said, the story isn't just about Raven and Bash. It's about Ravens brothers, Gracie, Willa and Flick. So it got confusing at times.
I also found some sentences didn't make sense and would advice the author to read it aloud before publishing in future. There was also the switch of her writing in past then present tense.
Like sometimes she'd put was instead of is etc. It did get confusing after a while.
I might be complaining about the cons of the book, but I did enjoy it, so remember that whilst reading this review. LOL!!
I found the mixed POV to be both bad and good. I didn't feel like the story was based on just the main characters like I said earlier. It was a jumbled mess if that makes sense to people. I liked the fact we got to see others POV though.
Then we have the ending. Well, if that's what you want to call it. It was kind of hard to as nothing really happened. I felt like I had just read the beginning of the book. I also thought the ending was really random. To me, the way it ended should have begun in the second book, but after reading some of the second novel (which I'll be reviewing soon) and it not going straight to where it left of from, kind of puzzled me more. Maybe writing down a layout of this would help? I don't know.
#3.5 * but I've put 4* on goodreads to round it up.