Sunday 4 January 2015

My ToP LisT Of NoVeLs FoR 2014

The time has come for me to get my 2014 top novels up for you all to see. I've had so many this year I really don't know where to begin. I'm going to do it different again this year as I have so many favourites, but I'd like to start off with the ones that have stayed with me since the moment I read them. Hope you enjoy them as much as I have. 

  • Archers Voice by Mia Sheridan  ~ I had read this book in February and it has stayed with me ever since. The story completely captivated me. Never have I felt so strongly towards a character before or wanted to reach i and protect them. That's what Archer did to me and so many other readers, he reached out to us all having us all defend his honor. He's such a beautiful character and will forever be one of my number one recommendations. 
  • Poles apart By Kirsty Moseley ~ This novel was released towards the end of the year, so it's more recent for me to remember, but that isn't why, it's because of how beautifully written it was. When you read the emotion you feel it down to you pores, when the character is hurting, you hurt, that's how well written this book is. He's pole position, she's a pole dancer, together they're poles apart, but never and I mean never have I read a book where I've really felt the love between two characters. Seriously beautiful. 
  • Resisting Temptation By KC Lynn ~ Another fantastic read from KC Lynn's MOH series. This one though really captured my heart. From the two kids in the book, to the two main characters I was a goner. I have never read such an inspiring story before. The love, the pain, the hurt, it all brought together what has to be one of the best written love stories I've read and will forever remember. 
  • Toxic By Rachel Van Dyken ~ Where do I start with this one? The story took my breath away, literally. Rachel always has a way with words, and her stories, but this
    one, this one was truly out of this world. She took something from pain, and loss, and brought us something magical to read. Bringing hope into many of our lives. No one should ever live life without reading this book. I promise. 
  • Bright side By Kim Holden  ~ Again, I only read this one recently, but it will be one forever in my heart. I'd cried, gut wrenching tears to this book, laughed like I haven't laughed before. Bright side aka Kate has a moto, DO EPIC, and this story was just that, EPIC. After reading this you will look on life differently, wanting to make it just that much better, you'll always start to look on the bright side.
    Another book no one should live without reading. 
These are the top novels that captured my heart, but here are some more 5* reads from this year. enjoy. 
There are many many more novels to be added, but here are a few, enjoy. 

Books of 2013 CLICK HERE


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