Showing posts with label MC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MC. Show all posts

Sunday 14 September 2014

Knights Sinner Book Three By Bella Jewel

Jackson is always considered the 'softie'. He's the first to help people out when they're in need. He's President of the Hell's Knights and he figures it's about time he shows the world how much of a sinner he can be. 
Serenity has a dark past. Secrets haunt her and she has no way of escaping them. Hogan is the only family she knows and life with him is brutal. And it's about to get worse. 
He sends her on a mission. 
On a mission to destroy the Hell's Knights and the Heaven's Sinners. 
Can she pretend with a club she doesn't know? 
Or will she betray Hogan for the man she's falling in love with? 
Contains one M/F/M scene. 

The old crafty switch-a-roo. I know it doesn't really hide the face she's a snitch, but there is so much more to Serenity then meets the eye. I loved her timid character from the beginning and I honestly thought Ciara had her figured out from Heaven sinners novel. Obviously not. 

This book has to be the best out the three. There is so much going on it, I loved it. There was no part I was bored or wanted to put the book down. I even read it one sitting, staying up until two to finish it. It was so worth the book hangover this morning. 

Great series and a fantastic finish for the MC sinners. I am sad to not be reading anymore about them :( *Sad sigh*
There isn't much more I can say about the book apart from GO AND ONE CLICK IT!!! It's such a brilliant biker novel and Bella Jewel rocks it. 


Heavens sinners Book Two By Bella Jewel

A modern day biker romance. 

Spike knows tragedy, he knows that feelings are better left hidden. He refuses to put his heart out there again, it's a pain he's not willing to feel a second time around. He's accepted he's going to spend forever alone. That's all he deserves. 

But then there's Ciara, the sister of his deceased wife. She's beautiful and damned determined to throw herself into his life in hopes they can reform an old friendship, but Spike won't hear of it, and Ciara refuses to give up. 

Who will win the battle of wills?

I've been meaning to read this one for a while after reading Hell Knights. It wasn't disappointing either. Absolutely love this novel. It's one of the best. I think it's because of all the tension we felt during Hell Knights that makes Heaven Sinners that much more excitable. 

Spike know no bounds when it comes to his sexual taste. Seriously HOT!!! So much hotter than I originally presumed. There were more sex scenes then I'd have liked to read about, it took us away from the story a little too much, but it didn't stop me reading. 

Ciara, I have never felt so sorry for a leading female heroin. Never. She's so adorable, so broken, she's just so loveable and I feel so sorry for her. It's hard when we get the two sides to the story on whose side to take. I found in the end they both missed out on a chance because of them not speaking, it's seems they starting voicing their real concerns far too late. Also, Ciara's sister Cheyanne I think her name was, hate her, and she's not even in the book. Just the way Bella makes her come across makes her seem like a stuck up cow. Excuse my language. 
Then we have her parents who are equally just as bad. How a mother, when losing a child can turn their back on another child is seriously messed up. I know it's only a book, but the emotions it brought out in me was overwhelming. I am so glad to have my mom and have her treat me and my brothers and sisters the same. No way could I have lived in a family like Ciara and stay sane. How she managed to pull through it and still be a stronger person is admirable. Like I said just a book, but I'm a geek LOL. 

The story plot is fantastic. Very explosive ;)
Then I read the ending and went straight on to the next..... review coming now...


Wednesday 27 August 2014

Cash's fight By Jamie Begley

If it’s not broke don’t fix it. That was Cash’s motto in life, and his life was perfect. He was living the life of the lieutenant of The Last Riders, and had women at his beck and call. The only thing he saw himself settling down with in the future was a twelve pack; certainly not Rachel Porter, who was on his short no fuck list. Hell, she wasn’t even his type—her tits were too small, and her mean mouth could shrivel a man’s dick. How was he supposed to know she was special and worth putting up with those weed-producing hillbillies? Or was she? 

Rachel had lived her whole life watching Cash break one woman’s heart after another. He was everything she shouldn’t want; a bad boy biker with enough sex appeal to make any woman want a night in his bed. Even her. Heck, he wasn’t even her type—he didn’t know when to keep his mouth shut, and he lived in a sex club. How was she supposed to know that he was special and worth putting up with the biker wars and biker bitches? Or was he? 

Another fantastic read for the last riders. I am so glad they've started to blend in to each other, yet still have their own story line. 
I've been wanting Rachel to have a boyfriend as I loved her character and was intrigued with the stuff she helped Lilly with. To those who have read Shades Fall will know, Lilly suffered from many things, one of those were living inside her nightmares. Rachel brought her out a few times, saving her. It's really hard to explain, so you NEED to go read this series. 

The novels is erotica, and obviously they are a biker club. I absolutely adored this novel and all the others. I like how they all have different tastes etc. 
I also loved getting to know Cash a lot during this novel. He made me laugh a few times with the comments about not getting pregnant in water, I nearly believed it myself lol when he first said it. Then he carried on about not been able to get pregnant lying down etc. Had me in stitches. Rachel annoyed me on those occasions. For all she knew, he could have slept with a dozen or so women without protection and carried an STI. She didn't come across worried, and that's the only negative I found with this one. All the previous women made it clear before they didn't use protection. Cash never told Rachel until AFTER. 

The story line in this one wasn't as good as the others but I loved it anyway. I wish they could have had more of a story and I really want to know what is going on with Blaire or whoever the wicked witches name is. Evie's sister, because I seriously hate her with a passion. 

The only other negative I found with the novel was the writing. I found it switched to many times to past, present, future tense and it confused the hell out of me. I didn't know how to digest it so to speak. I plodded along though. 

There are a few mistakes in the book that should be corrected, but I don't think it's anything to refund it over. This book is amazing and I recommend it to anyone. :) 


Cannot wait for the next one. So excited.